October 3, 2008


Yes, it's true ~ I am completely booked for the remainder of the year!

Just a few indoor Newborn and Maternity Sessions are still available though, but call early to reserve your date!

If you would like to order Fine Art Prints for your Holiday Gift Giving, the ordering date is November 15 (no exceptions please)

Here are a few favorites from some recent sessions ~ My website also has brand new images in all of the galleries :)

August 20, 2008

Fresh Images!

I LOVE this time of year ~ tons of portrait session & lots of fresh new images to share!
A big thank you to all of my wonderful clients ~ You make my 'work' so much fun!

August 18, 2008

A Feast For Your Eyes : New Exhibit!

A Feast For Your Eyes

New Exhibit!

Aesop's Tables
Toadstool Bookshop
Depot Square, Peterborough, NH

I am thrilled to be showing my work at Aesop's Tables, the yummy cafe located in the Toadstool Bookshop! Feast your eyes on 14 fabulous *NEW* images!

Exhibit Dates: Monday, August 18 - Saturday, Sept. 13

Aesop's is open Monday - Friday, 7-3 pm, & Saturday 9-3 pm; located in the Toadstool Bookshop, Depot Square, Peterborough, NH.

August 7, 2008

boys boys boys!

a HUGE thank you to the M family for a truly wonderful session! These brothers were so much fun ~ I don't think I have ever laughed so much! They showed up ready to have a good time and with such wild abandon ~ And really...how often do you get to meet a real super hero?

July 23, 2008

three cheers for returning clients!!!

i just love photograhing returning familes! It's so much fun to see how the kids have grown every year - thank you to the K family for a super fun session!

July 12, 2008

boys x 3

This recent session was way too much fun! Three boys, great ages & fabulous fun! What amazing personalitites these brothers have ~ it was a total delight chasing them around :)

July 6, 2008

so many new sessions!

i am in the thick of the portrait season, and i couldn't be happier! i love this time of year, meeting so many new families, catching up with returning families, running around with fabulous kiddies, and of course, taking photographs!

Here are some recent favorites ~ i have a ton of sessions to post, so check back often!

** fyi: i am super booked through the summer ~ if you are interested in booking a session, make sure to call soon! **


June 9, 2008

small reminder

just a teeny tiny reminder that images on my blog are copyrighted and may not be taken, used, or copied....


May 31, 2008

new babe

adorable new babe + happy parents = wonderful portrait session!
thank you so much for allowing me into your home :)

May 23, 2008

love is found

i so enjoy engagement sessions! a big thank you to this couple for a fun & happy evening!

May 12, 2008

new babe

i just love love love photographing new babes! this sweetie was super-cute & super-wiggly! :)

April 26, 2008

Why Buy Pro?

I saw this great article from Real Simple ~ I definitely think there is something to be said regarding the importance of a professional portrait versus a good snapshot!

Another great detail to point out that is not all photographers are alike...everyone has their own style, for sure, but the quality of images makes a huge difference too. I think it's important to go beyond price and choose your photographer based on high quality, connection and of course, FUN! :)

Real Simple, March 2008
Note To Self

Get Professional Photos of Your Children

I’ve never forgotten an invaluable piece of advice that I heard from an older friend right after my first child was born. She told me, “One of my greatest regrets about my children’s childhoods was that I didn’t have more professional pictures taken.” “You didn’t take many pictures?” I asked. “I took tons of pictures,” she said, “but the fact is, professional photographs are so much better than even the best snapshots.”

I absolutely agree—professional photos are better. And keeping her advice in mind, ever since my daughters were born, I’ve been zealous about getting their photos taken professionally at least once a year.
While it’s a lot of fun (and also a pain) to take pictures myself, it’s terrific to have some pictures that are truly excellent. These photos don’t take the place of the on-the-spot pictures that I take myself—I still take scads of photos at birthday parties, first days of school, on the slide, with a popsicle—but these pictures memorialize my children’s childhoods in a different way.

Plus they make great family gifts. I can never figure out a good present for the grandparents and great-grandparents, but they always love to get a really great photograph—especially the relatives who don’t often get a chance to see the girls in person.

Also, research shows that one way to boost your happiness is to reflect on happy times, and looking at photographs helps keep memories more vivid.

It’s a splurge, of course. Professional photos aren’t cheap.

However, I figure that the money I spend on these photographs will strengthen family bonds, enhance happy memories, and capture the fleeting moments of childhood. They give me more pleasure than practically any other purchases that I make. That strikes me as pretty good
happiness bang for the buck.

A friend’s family had another great photography tradition. For her whole life, at every milestone, her parents took a picture of her and her brother sitting exactly the same way on their front stoop. It’s fascinating to see them change through the years. Along the same lines, the artist Nicholas Nixon took a photograph of his wife and her three sisters once a year for 33 years. The collection of these photographs,
The Brown Sisters, is riveting.

Getting professional photos take is a great example of the tiresome fact that happiness takes thought and effort. These photographs are easy to arrange; in the scheme of things, not terribly expensive; contribute greatly to our family happiness—and yet it probably never would have occurred to me to do it if my friend hadn’t suggested it.

April 22, 2008

March 23, 2008

valentine baby

little E was born on valentine's day...which is so perfect because this family is so full of love :)

February 27, 2008

fresh babe

this sweetie was such a delight to photograph! i can't wait to photograph her as she grows up - i see lots of running around in her future (mom, you know exactly what i mean!) :)

February 6, 2008

going to the dogs

i had so much fun photographing these boys! the puppy kisses came often, which just made my job that much easier :)