March 29, 2010

Little Duck Organics

Awesome Organic Goodness for your kids (hey, I eat them!)...Amazing super fun day with all of the kids...Love seeing local businesses work together :)

:) Kim

March 22, 2010

three. Sneak Peek!

I love seeing families surrounded with so much love ~ What an amazing little girl; she is such a special gift! A very heartfelt thank you to the W. family ~ It was such an honor to document this wonderful time in your lives!

:) Kim

March 14, 2010

Zen with a little Super Powers

I just love love love sessions where the kids just have way too much fun, especially because it makes for awesome images like the first one! This family was so great to photograph & hang out with - they were silly, lovey, and they pretty much just laughed the whole time.

Call today to book YOUR fun-filled, laugh-until-your-sides-hurt Portrait Session! I am booking up fast for outdoor sessions...the snow will melt soon, right??

:) kim